The Future is Anti-intellectual

Jesse Britten
4 min readOct 31, 2021

Why do, say, or ask anything when you can ask a machine to do it, or give you the answer? Why learn anything. Why clog your brain with so called facts, and knowledge when you can just ask Siri, Google Assistance, or Alexa to do it for you. I have relatives that will literally look up from their phones at you like you’re stupid for asking a question! It’s crazy to me. I know I can just google it but damnit man that’s fucking antisocial as shit. I mean I don’t want to live in that world. Can I just skip the next 50 years and get to the point where they upload my brain to the living cognitive cloud?

I don’t want to live for decades not talking to people and discussing things. What about discourse? What about debate, and philosophy? Are those concepts dead too. We can all just look up the different arguments about anything? How are we supposed to come to any kind of understanding or compromise?

I was talking to a friend tonight and they were basically telling me I’m an old man complaining about technology and young people when I said there are literally kids that can’t use change to add up 73 cents, or subtract or add one to a number. Why do it when computers can do it for you and tell you what you need to do? Have we really fallen that far? I fucking hate this.

I’ve had a premonition of the future, and some have already told me, “Man, it’s already here.” I see a future where people sit inside all day and look at things on their devices. These devices tell them everything they have to do, and they do it. Everything from calorie intake to even making their bowel movements. At the same time they’re hard wired into machines that dispense mind altering chemicals that shield them from the stresses of anything around them that could upset them. That’s where I see humanity headed. I don’t want to live with people that think they’re god’s gift to the world and they can’t even fire up the right neurons to wipe their own asses. These people would look down on you because you don’t ask google what the square root of 5 is. Ok, that’s kind of a bad example.

What is the future of learning? Learning how to not have to learn, anything. You’ll be taught how to interface with the data. Like I asked, can I just skip all of this anti-intellectual anti-social shit and go straight to being converted from organic to synthetic? The in between is going to suck. A lot of us probably won’t make it. Maybe I’ll die a relic. Maybe I won’t get to see that future, or maybe I will. I know you’re probably thinking, “Take your meds schizo.” The thing that scares me is that I have. The world I live in sucks. It’s not as bad physically and medically like it is in other parts of the world, but we’re not teaching each other anymore. We’re not learning anything. We’re not retaining any information. Repeating back something that someone else told you is too “tedious” Dude haven’t you seen my retweet that was retweeted from the source? Why are you bothering me? Can’t you see how much I have invested in my Instagram career? I mean shit I’m playing the game too, but I mean why aspire to do anything but being someone else’s temporary diversion, oh excuse me I mean “entertainment.”

I have heard young people yelling at characters in movies “USE YOUR PHONE!” I’m just like shit, you haven’t lived your entire life without a fucking smartphone. It’s sad. I know we all grow up, and technology changes things and you learn to adapt or you get left behind. At a certain point you hit the generation gap and I guess that’s where I am. If that’s the case then I don’t care. I like actual conversation. I like arguments. But, nah it’s more efficient to go to politifact or snopes or whatever people go to for facts these days. That’s the problem. As my dad always tells me “Liars can figure, and figures can lie.” But whatever bring on the brain dead future. I hope your mind gets “archived” and sectioned off into a void where you don’t exist anymore because you don’t contribute anything to the collective. Maybe I’m just an insane person. I’ve considered that. Maybe it’s not all that bad, but I see more and more people that can’t handle the very simple existence they have. But whatever, I mean it’s got electrolytes right? I don’t know I still want to try to improve my life, body, and mind. I don’t want to be a vapid consumer/user.



Jesse Britten

I’m Jesse, an all around geek from Texas. I like to dabble with a bit of everything. Articles will be about music, games, and mental health.